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Student Health at St. Marcus School

St. Marcus Lutheran School participates in the USDA School Breakfast ProgramNational School Lunch Program, After School Snack Program and the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program.  As part of our participation, St. Marcus School has been designated a CEP school for the 24-25 School Year which allows all our children to receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of income. Please note that the State of Wisconsin still requires that all families fill out an Alternate Household Income form regardless of income.  To learn more about CEP, visit the In A Nutshell page. 

Parent Resources for School Health

  1. Dietary Restrictions - If you have declared a medically necessary dietary restriction during enrollment, please complete this form with your doctor so we can properly meet your child's dietary needs.  Also, please note that we do not serve foods with tree nuts, peanuts or fish in any of our food items.  If you'd like to see a list of what allergens might be on the daily menu.  Check out this link for details.
  2. School Wellness Policy - If you have declared a medically necessary dietary restriction during enrollment, please complete this form with your doctor so we can properly meet your child's dietary needs.  Also, please note that we do not serve foods with tree nuts, peanuts or fish in any of our food items.  If you'd like to see a list of what allergens might be on the daily menu.  Check out this link for details.
  3. Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Policy
  4. Annual Student Health Survey Results
  5. Prescription Medication Administration Form
  6. CEP Public Release
  7. CEP Letter